l i n g - n
wholly owned by
four seasons collection
Company Info
We custom make shoes for those with or without deformities. A custom made shoes is made specifically for your feet. Our shoe construction takes into account all your special conditions and needs, including your body structure, looks and occasion. The label Ling-N stand for an exclusive, very feminine fashion line. It is especially geared towards the confident modern woman who, inspite of attemps at levelling all gender differences in today's society and workspace, likes to emphasize her feminity in a subtle and sophistaced way. The fact that Ling-N present a greater than average range of shoes designer in their collections. They achieve the desired sophisticated feminine look by combining extreamely simple pieces with more elaborate, playful ones. Ruffles, places, all are employed to enhance this effect. All products are handmade, with up to 80 percent of our raw materials imported.
We are also conducting Shoe Design Workshop
Fundamental Technique for Shoe Designer
once a week for six weeks, Attendance is mandatory
RM4500 nett
This six weeks course addresses the basic techniques used in the manufacturing of footwear and to provide the essential background for those who have training of professional experience in fashion design. It will guide you through the options and take your ideas and translate them into stylish moodboard, before structuring it into a product.
+ Fundamentals in shoe making
+ Pattern-making
+ Prototyping
+ Sewing and assemblage techniques
+ Material technology
+ Shoes labs
+ Field trip
This course is open to school-leavers, graduates and professionals with experience in the world of fashion and design who wish to master the basic techniques in footwear design.
When registering, student must submit the following documentation:
+ an admission form filled out in all its parts and undersigned
+ a copy of high school, diploma or university degree
+ two passport size photos